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Troubleshooting for VDT How to-tutorial

Troubleshooting, because nothing ever works perfectly. This is the companion-guide to the the tutorial How to Build Media Applications With VidiCore Development Toolkit posted on the Vidispine blog.

Git issues

If you experience issues with SSH authentication and permissions, check here for solutions and steps to solve these issues. If you have two-factor authentication turned on you might need to change the protocol used in 

Part 1

Stuck on downloading/has errors when running vue-init

To remedy the issue follow the steps below:

Clone repo manually ( while in the VDT directory). The django template and your project should be on the same directory

$ git clone ./vdt-vue-django-template

and point the vue-init to the project.

$ vue-init ./vdt-vue-django-template my-project

Accidentally gave incorrect url or credentials

You can change that in the following file


Entered incorrect git password

If you entered incorrect git password when it was prompted and git did not clone the repository, simply repeat that step and continue from there. Do not forget to edit the VidiCore URL in “/home/USER/VDT/my-project/” as well.

Node.js version is incorrect

For Ubuntu this method has worked for us at Vidispine to get the latest:

$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

vue-init: command not found

This is due to yarn global $PATH is broken/not set and can be solved by solutions found in this git issue

A workaround is installing global packages with npm:

$ npm install -g vue-cli

Part 2

ESLint complains about import dependencies

Add the comment “// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies” before VdtList import, if the vdt-components were cloned and linked manually. 

Still not working properly?

If you are getting errors and Django does not start successfully, make sure you have all the required packages installed and your SSH key set up properly. Clear your working directory to start fresh, then try going through the steps again.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.