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Getting access to VidiCore Development Toolkit

The VidiCore Development Toolkit is provided by Vidispine to simplify your application development. You have access to and have the right to use the code in the VidiCore Development Toolkit as long as you are an active customer of Vidinet services, e.g., by running a VidiCore API instance in VidiNet, or using VidiNet Media Services for at least USD 50 per month. 

Request the license by following the usage instructions that can be found in any instance of VidiCore API in VidiNet Dashboard, or in the mail that your received when creating the VidiCore API. As part of the licensing process we will ask for your Github username to be able to give you access. When your license is ready, you will get access to either the Vidispine NPM repository, and/or the Github repositories from where you can get VDT as well as example code. 

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