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Job reference [VC 21.3.1 GEN]

Jobs make up the long running tasks in Vidispine. They are created in response to requests that would otherwise not be able to respond in time, such as import, export and transcode requests.

Managing jobs

Create a job

See Creating jobs.

List all jobs

GET /job

Return jobs matching the criteria given.

Changed in version 5.1: The priority parameter was added.

Query Parameters:
  • jobmetadata (string[]) –

    Multiple query parameters can be specified. If no query parameters are specified, all jobs are returned.

    • key = value - Filter out only the jobs that has job metadata according to the filter criteria.

    Note: the metadata field item is generated and cannot be filtered on, instead the field itemId should be used.

    Note: = is part of the query parameter, and has to be encoded (%3d).

  • metadata (boolean) –

    • true - Include job metadata with all jobs.

    • false (default) - Do not include job metadata with all jobs.

  • idonly (boolean) –

    • true - Only return a list of ids

    • false (default) - Return job information such as job status

  • starttime-from (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs started after and at the given timestamp.

  • starttime-to (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs started before and at the given timestamp.

  • finishtime-from (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs finished after and at the given timestamp.

  • finishtime-to (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs finished before and at the given timestamp.

  • step (boolean) –

    • true - Include step information in the job listing.

    • false (default) - Do not include step information in the job listing.

  • type (string) – Comma-separated list of job types. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • state (string) – Comma-separated list of job states. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • priority (string) – Comma-separated list of job priorities. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • first (integer) – Return jobs from that number in the list of sorted jobs. Default is 1, the first jobs.

  • number (integer) – Return at most that number of jobs. Default returns the first 100 jobs.

  • sort (string) –

    List of form field (asc|desc)[, ...]. Sort by specific fields.

    • jobId

    • type

    • state

    • user

    • startTime

    • priority

  • user (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Include only jobs created by current user

    • false - Include all jobs

  • field (string) – Comma-separated list of fields to include in the result metadata.

  • application/xml, application/jsonJobListDocument

  • text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of job ids.



Retrieve a job

GET /job/(job-id)

Return information about specified job.

When returning in format text/plain, only a string representation of the state is returned.

Query Parameters:
  • metadata (boolean) –

    • true - Include job metadata with all jobs.

    • false (default) - Do not include job metadata with all jobs.

  • field (string) – Comma-separated list of fields to include in the result metadata.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Invalid id

  • application/xml, application/jsonJobDocument

  • text/plain – State of job



Search and count jobs

PUT /job/search

New in version 5.2.

Return jobs matching the given criteria and chosen facets for the result-set. There are three types of facets:

  • type Counts occurrences of each job type

  • state Counts occurrences of each job state

  • user Counts occurrences of each user

Query Parameters:
  • jobmetadata (string[]) –

    Multiple query parameters can be specified. If no query parameters are specified, all jobs are returned.

    • key = value - Filter out only the jobs that has job metadata according to the filter criteria.

    Note: the metadata field item is generated and cannot be filtered on, instead the field itemId should be used.

    Note: = is part of the query parameter, and has to be encoded (%3d).

  • metadata (boolean) –

    • true - Include job metadata with all jobs.

    • false (default) - Do not include job metadata with all jobs.

  • idonly (boolean) –

    • true - Only return a list of ids

    • false (default) - Return job information such as job status

  • starttime-from (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs started after and at the given timestamp.

  • starttime-to (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs started before and at the given timestamp.

  • finishtime-from (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs finished after and at the given timestamp.

  • finishtime-to (string) – ISO 8601 timestamp. Return only jobs finished before and at the given timestamp.

  • step (boolean) –

    • true - Include step information in the job listing.

    • false (default) - Do not include step information in the job listing.

  • type (string) – Comma-separated list of job types. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • state (string) – Comma-separated list of job states. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • priority (string) – Comma-separated list of job priorities. Default is all, return all jobs.

  • first (integer) – Return jobs from that number in the list of sorted jobs. Default is 1, the first jobs.

  • number (integer) – Return at most that number of jobs. Default returns the first 100 jobs.

  • sort (string) –

    List of form field (asc|desc)[, ...]. Sort by specific fields.

    • jobId

    • type

    • state

    • user

    • startTime

    • priority

  • user (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Include only jobs created by current user

    • false - Include all jobs

  • field (string) – Comma-separated list of fields to include in the result metadata.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Field not valid

  • application/xml, application/jsonJobListDocument

  • text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of job ids.




A faceted search should count the occurrences of each type, state and user for all existing jobs. It is possible to supply attributes name, minCount, maxCount and maxResults. Facets can be named to make it easier to distinguish between different facets. By supplying attributes minCount, maxCount any fields that has a count lower/higher than the specified values will be excluded. By default a minimum count of 0 and a maximum count of integer max size is returned. By default, all facet counts will be returned. By using the maxResults attribute, this behaviour can be changed.

PUT /job/search
Content-Type: application/xml

<JobSearchDocument xmlns="">
  <facet count="true" name="JobTypes">
    <facet count="true" minCount="1" maxCount="5" maxResults="10">
    <facet count="true">
<JobListDocument xmlns="">
    <facet name="JobTypes">
      <count fieldValue="RAW_IMPORT">1</count>
      <count fieldValue="AUTO_IMPORT">1</count>
      <count fieldValue="FINISHED">1</count>
      <count fieldValue="STARTED">1</count>
      <count fieldValue="admin">2</count>

Modify a job

PUT /job/(job-id)

Updates the job by setting job priority

Query Parameters:
  • priority (string) – Change the job priority. One of the valid job priorities <job_priority>: Default is MEDIUM

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Invalid id



Abort a job

DELETE /job/(job-id)

Does not delete the job, but aborts it.

To delete one or more jobs, use DELETE /job.

The job is marked for abortion, but the call may return before all tasks have been killed. Hence, the status return by this call is likely to be ABORTED_PENDING rather than ABORTED. Caller should poll the status of the job or use job notifications to find out when job has been fully aborted.

Query Parameters:
  • reason (string) – Reason for cancellation.

  • cleanup (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Run cleanup steps before aborting.

    • false - Skip the cleanup steps, unless the job is already running. For READY jobs this means that the job will immediately be marked as ABORTED.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Invalid id



Create a duplicate job

POST /job/(job-id)/re-run

Retrieves an existing job, duplicates it and starts the duplicated version.

Query Parameters:
  • priority (string) – The priority of the new job. If no priority is specified then the priority of the existing job will be used.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Invalid id



Start a job with custom type

POST /job

Starts a new job, of the type specified in the type parameter.

Changed in version 5.0.

Additional job metadata can also be added using an optional SimpleMetadataDocument. If any jobmetadata keys would collide between the query parameters and the SimpleMetadataDocument, the key and value from the SimpleMetadataDocument would have precedence over the query parameter.

Query Parameters:
  • type (string) – Required. The job type name.

  • notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.

  • notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.

  • priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is MEDIUM .

  • jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.

Status Codes:
  • 400 – Invalid job type name



Job problem conditions

Jobs can enter the state WAITING if a recoverable problem has occurred. Depending on the problem the system might resolve itself or require manual assistance, e.g. out of storage space.

List all job problems

GET /job/problem

Returns a list of unresolved problems, together with what jobs are waiting for them to be resolved.



List all problems for a job

GET /job/(job-id)/problem

Retrieves a list of problems that affects the specified job.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – Invalid id



Delete one or several jobs


Deletes a job and every related database entry.

Query Parameters:
  • id (string) – Required. Comma-separated list of job ids.

Status Codes:
  • 400 Invalid input – The job is still running

  • 404 Not found – Invalid id



Job states

Job states

The following states are defined for a job:


Job can be run, in queue.


One or several job steps are running.


One or several job steps are running on Vidinet.


The job has finished with success.


The job has finished, but a non-critical step failed.


The job has finished, but a critical Job step has failed.


The job is waiting for a condition.


A request to abort the job has been made.


The job is aborted, and all job steps have finished.

Step states

The following states are defined for a job step (task):


Job step has just been initialized. Normally this should not be returned.


Job step about to start.


Job step started, running in a transaction. (Short tasks.)


Job step started, running outside of an transaction. (Longer tasks, or tasks that cannot execute in a Java class.)


Job step has started, and signals that other parallel tasks can start.


Job step has started, and signals that other parallel tasks can start.


Job step has started, and will be performed in multiple subtasks.


Job step has finished successfully.


Job step has failed, but will be retried.


Job step has failed, and will not be retried.


Job step is waiting for a condition, see List all problems for a job for cause.


The job worker was missing (possible cause is a restart of the application server). The job step will be re-run.

Job priority

Jobs have a priority setting that determines their order of execution. The following priority levels exists, from lowest to highest: LOWEST, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST, and IMMEDIATE.

Jobs with priority IMMEDIATE are always started, even if the max concurrent jobs limit is reached. This could impact system performance. To execute the job with IMMEDIATE priority the user must be a super user, that is, have role _super_access_user.

Job types

The following job types exists. They can also be retrieved using GET /jobtype.


Not used.


Not used.


Regular import (using URI or file id to existing or new item).


Import where essence is in request body.


Import using auto import rules.


Import using URI or file id to a shape.


Import a sidecar file to an existing item.


Import a new essence version.


Transcode of item.


Transcode of part of item.


Conform an item sequence.


Conform a timeline.


Create thumbnails or posters of item.


Do analysis of item.


Update shape information of item.


Send transcode job directly to transcoder.


Export item to remote location.


Copy file (and keep track of new copy).


Move file.


Delete file.


Generate item report.


Analyze a file to deduce its shape.


Analyze an IMF package to deduce its shape.

List all job types

GET /jobtype

Get list of job types

  • application/xml, application/jsonURIListDocument

  • text/plain – list of job types

Job metadata

Additional job metadata can be specified using the jobmetadata parameter, when a job is created. Note that the equals sign is part of the value of the query parameter, so it has to be URL encoded (%3d).

Prefer to always prefix any custom job metadata by the name of your application, for example, myApp_customSetting, to avoid conflict with any existing or future job metadata used by Vidispine.

Reserved keys


The first frame to be included in transcoded output.


String (SMPTE timecode)


The last frame to be included in transcoded output.


String (SMPTE timecode)


Can be set to transfer to have the checksum computed during the transfer step of the import job.


This will not work if the files are transferred by the transcoder.


The priority to assign jobs created in Cerify. One of LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.



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