Vidinet [VC 21.3 GEN]
Cost estimation
Retrieve cost estimates from Vidinet.
The following resources support cost estimation:
Request a cost estimate
(path) Requests a cost estimate for performing a specific operation.
The same query parameters and request body as used by the target request should be specified in the cost estimate request.
No additional roles or permissions are required to request a cost estimate. If a user has permission to for example transcode an item, then that user may also request a cost estimate for that operation.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – CostEstimateDocument
Retrieve the cost estimate results
(id) Retrieves the cost estimate.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – CostEstimateDocument
Item transcode cost estimation
Requesting a cost estimate for transcoding an item to __mp4
using the Vidinet TRANSCODE resource VX-5:
POST /cost/item/VX-45/transcode?tag=__mp4&resource=VX-5
<CostEstimateDocument xmlns="">
Retrieving the cost estimate status and amount.
GET /cost/estimate/dGVzdA==
<CostEstimateDocument xmlns="">