Item Import [VC 21.3 GEN]
Trigger imports of files, sidecar files and IMF packages.
Importing an item
An item can be imported in two ways, either through supplying a URI or sending the data in the request body.
There is also a third automatic way, using Automatic import.
Import using a URI
Starts a job that imports the file, located at the given URI, and creates an item. Note that thumbnails and poster frames are only generated if a transcode takes place.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – Required. A URI to the file that will be imported. Make sure to percent encode the URI.
URL (string) – A URL to the file that will be imported. (Deprecated since 4.2.)
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
no-mediacheck (boolean) –
Only for for import of mpeg-dash mpd, skip media check to speed up import.
- Will disable media check. -
(default) - Normal media check.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
growing (boolean) –
- Specifies that the input file is still written to, so enables growing file support. -
(default) - No growing file handling of import file.
xmpfile (string) – URI to a sidecar XMP metadata file.
sidecar (string) – URIs or file ids of any sidecar files to import to the item.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – MetadataDocument, initial metadata that is given to the imported item.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
POST /import?uri= HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml
<MetadataDocument xmlns="">
<timespan end="+INF" start="-INF">
<value>This is an imported item!</value>
<JobDocument xmlns="">
Import using the request body
Starts a job that reads the raw data from the request body, generates a file, and imports the file.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
ids (string) – Comma-separated list of external ids to assign to the item.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Request Headers: -
index – Offset (in bytes) of the full file for where the first byte of this transfer is located.
size – The total size of the full file.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream – The raw data.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job, or no content if the transfer is not finished.
Role: _import
There are two modes of operation for this type of import. The most simple is to transfer the entire file and then the header parameters can be ignored. The other is to transfer the file over multiple requests, then the header parameters are required. If the latter mode is used, then the job will not start until the entire file is transferred.
Note that thumbnails and poster frames are only generated if a transcode takes place.
Managing transfers
Transfers can be managed, see Transfers.
Example: transferring the entire file
POST /import/raw HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
<the entire file data>
Example: transferring a file using multiple requests
Assume a file that is 1000 bytes. This file can be sent using three requests, where one request sends data [800, 1000], another sends data [0, 300] and the last request sends data [300, 800].
POST /import/raw?transferId=mytransfer HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
size: 1000
index: 800
<200 bytes of file data, starting at byte 800>
POST /import/raw?transferId=mytransfer HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
size: 1000
index: 0
<300 bytes of file data, starting at byte 0>
POST /import/raw?transferId=mytransfer HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
size: 1000
index: 300
<500 bytes of file data, starting at byte 300>
The last request that finishes will start the job and receive the corresponding job document.
Import using a passkey
Create a job and generates a passkey that can later be used to import an item without being authenticated.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – Required. An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
ids (string) – Comma-separated list of external ids to assign to the item.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – MetadataDocument, initial metadata that is given to the imported item.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
POST /import/raw-passkey?transferId=mytransfer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml
<MetadataDocument xmlns="">
<timespan end="+INF" start="-INF">
<value>This is an imported item!</value>
<JobDocument xmlns="">
Importing without authentication
Note that this request uses http://server:port/APInoauth/...
instead of the usual http://server:port/API/...
Imports the item and starts the job.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream, multipart/form-data – The raw essence data. If sent as multipart form data, the file should then be sent in the
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
POST /import/raw?transferId=mytransfer&passkey=91df2b2fe74957cc7331d59a59a88cdc14df460dbb4d62c20287399b30092134
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/octet-stream
<file data>
<JobDocument xmlns="">
Import an IMF package using a URI
Starts a job that reads the asset map of an IMP (IMF package), and then imports the IMP. Essence files whose UUID is already managed by Vidispine Server are not copied. For more information about jobs, see Jobs. Note that thumbnails and poster frames are only generated if a transcode takes place.
Changed in version 5.3: IMF packages will now be validated using Photon and results saved as metadata on the item. Can be disabled with jobMetadata parameter.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – Required. A URI to the asset map that will be imported. Tracks referenced by the asset map should be located in the same folder.
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
growing (boolean) –
- Specifies that the input file is still written to, so enables growing file support. -
(default) - No growing file handling of import file.
xmpfile (string) – URI to a sidecar XMP metadata file.
sidecar (string) – URIs or file ids of any sidecar files to import to the item.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
. -
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
noCPLreimport (boolean) – If
, do not allow reimport of CPL with same id. Default isfalse
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – MetadataDocument, initial metadata that is given to the imported item.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
The importtag query parameter either be a list of shapes, or on the format
. The IMF import job accepts certain special jobMetadata parameters:imfDisallowImportOfCPLWithoutShapeTag
If set to true, do not accept imports of CPLs which do not match any import tags (see
above). imfDisallowImportOfIMPWithMissingMedia
If set to true, do not accept imports of CPLs which contains references to media not in the CPL and not already in Vidispine.
If set to true, do not perform Photon IMF package validation.
New in version 5.3.
Find destination storage
New in version 4.15.
Find where imported content would be stored according to current storage rules.
Query Parameters: -
item (string) – Item id
tag (string) – Shape tag
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – StorageDocument
Role: _import
Placeholder imports
A placeholder import is an import where the item and a shape are created before any file is transferred. Once all the specified files have been transferred, an import job will start.
Create a placeholder item
Creates an empty item and a shape with components matching the given parameters.
Query Parameters: -
container (integer) – The number of files that contain container components.
audio (integer) – The number of files that contain audio components.
video (integer) – The number of files that contain video components.
binary (integer) – The number of files that contain binary components.
type (string) –
- Image sequence. -
- DPX sequence.
Deprecated since version 4.6: Import image sequences using URIs with file fragments instead.
frameDuration (string) – duration for each image in the sequence.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
. -
externalId (string) – An external identifier to assign to the item.
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – MetadataDocument, initial metadata that is given to the imported item.
Produces: -
text/plain – The id of the item
application/xml, application/json – ItemDocument
Role: _import
Import to a placeholder item
(component-type) Imports the file and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – A URI to the file that will be imported. Make sure to percent encode the URI. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
fileId (string) – The id of the file that contains the essence. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
allowReimport (boolean) –
- Import the file to this shape even if the file is already importing or is already part of another item. -
(default) Reject the request if the file with the given id has already been imported or is currently importing.
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
growing (boolean) –
- Specifies that the input file is still written to, so enables growing file support. -
(default) - No growing file handling of import file.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
index (integer) – The component index (track) of new component.
shapeId (string) – Shape id for which shape to receive the content.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Import to a placeholder item using the request body
Imports the file and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
createThumbnails (boolean) –
(default) - Generate thumbnails as per defined by shape tag. -
- Disable thumbnail generation.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
index (integer) – Index (order) of the component.
shapeId (string) – Shape id for which shape to receive the content.
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Request Headers: -
index – Offset (in bytes) of the full file for where the first byte of this transfer is located.
size – The total size of the full file.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream – The raw data.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job, or no content if the transfer is not finished.
Role: _import
Creating a placeholder item that consists of one file.
POST /import/placeholder?container=1
Content-Type: application/xml
<MetadataDocument xmlns="">
<timespan end="+INF" start="-INF">
<value>My placeholder import!</value>
POST /import/placeholder/VX-1134/container?tag=lowres&uri=
Content-Type: application/xml
<JobDocument xmlns="">
Import to a placeholder item in bulk
(item-id) Imports the files and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string[]) – A list of shape tags to use for transcoding.
original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.
no-transcode (boolean) –
- Will disable transcoding even if thetags
parameter is set. Rather, the specified tag will be used to determine cropping, scaling etc. of thumbnails. -
(default) - Normal transcode.
overrideFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files. -
- Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.
requireFastStart (boolean) –
(default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file. -
- Put header at end of file.
fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
growing (boolean) –
- Specifies that the input file is still written to, so enables growing file support. -
(default) - No growing file handling of import file.
settings (string) – Pre-configured import settings.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
. -
index (integer) – The component index (track) of new component.
shapeId (string) – Shape id for which shape to receive the content.
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – A PlaceholderImportRequestDocument describing the files to import.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Create passkey for placeholder item
Creates a new passkey for a specific placeholder item, that can be used to perform imports to this item without requiring authentication.
Query Parameters: -
shapeId (string) – Shape id for which shape to receive the content.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument
POST /import/placeholder/VX-25182/raw-passkey
<URIListDocument xmlns="">
Adopt stand-alone files
(file-id) Adopt the file as a component in a placeholder item. The value of component-type is one of:
container, audio, video, binary
Query Parameters: -
index (integer) – Index (order) of the component.
shapeId (string) – Shape id for which shape to receive the content.
Role: _import
Importing sidecar files
Sidecar files can be imported and saved as metadata of an item using a sidecar import job. The supported sidecar file formats are:
EVS (.evs)
SCC (.scc)
SRT (.srt)
STL (.stl) - EBU STL format (EBU Tech 3264).
XMP (.xmp)
Vidispine metadata (.xml)
Note that this may be a lossy operation, that is, that only parts of the data from the sidecar file is saved in the item metadata, and that it may not be possible to recreate the original sidecar file from the item metadata.
Import a sidecar file
(item-id) Starts a job that imports the sidecar file, located at the given URL, to the specified item.
Query Parameters: -
sidecar (string) – Either the id of the sidecar file or a URL for locating it.
startTimeCode (string) – The expected start time code of the content. Can be used when importing SCC subtitles to a placeholder item to adjust the absolute time code of the SCC to relative (zero-based) timecodes. This require the configuration property
to be set to false (default). -
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Starts a job that imports the sidecar file as HTTP request body. The sidecar file will be saved in one of the Vidispine storages.
Query Parameters: -
storageId (string) – The id of the storage that the sidecar file will be saved in.
fileExtension (string) – The extension of the file that this sidecar data is from. Used to identify the sidecar media type. Example:
. -
startTimeCode (string) – The expected start time code of the content. Can be used when importing SCC subtitles to a placeholder item to adjust the absolute time code of the SCC to relative (zero-based) timecodes. This require the configuration property
to be set to false (default). -
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream – The raw data.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import