Shapes [VC 21.3 GEN]
Manage shapes for an item.
Item shapes
List all shapes
Returns all existing shapes for a specified item.
Query Parameters: -
version (string) –
essence-version-id - Return shapes for a specified version.
- Return shapes for all versions. -
(default) - Return shapes for the latest version. -
- Return shapes with the highest essence version number per shape tag.
tag (string) – Comma-separated list. Only return shapes with these tags.
url (boolean) –
- Return list of URLs. -
(default) - Return list of ids.
placeholder (string) –
- Only return placeholder shapes. -
(default) - Only return non-placeholder shapes. -
- Return all shapes.
Status Codes: -
404 Not found – Invalid id
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument
text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of ids or URLs
Role: _item_shape_read
Retrieve a shape
(shape-id) Returns a shape for a specified item.
Query Parameters: -
methodType (string) – Return URIs from storage methods with a particular type. By default, return URLs with empty
. -
storageType (string) – Only return URIs for files from storages of this type.
methodMetadata (string[]) – metadata used with storage method.
scheme (string) – URI scheme to return.
transient (boolean) –
- Return the shape by inspecting the file on disk. Use with growing files to get an as up-to-date shape as possible. -
(default) - Return the shape that was last read from the file.
includePlaceholder (boolean) –
- Include expected but not yet imported components in the shape. -
(default) - Do not include placeholder components.
Status Codes: -
404 Not found – Invalid id
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ShapeDocument
Role: _item_shape_read
Retrieve a graphical representation of a shape
Shows components and tracks in a graphical format.
Produces: -
image/png –
Role: _item_shape_read
Retrieve a shape as a dot file
Shows components and tracks in a graphical format in dot format, for further processing.
Produces: -
text/plain –
Role: _item_shape_read
Retrieve a shape as an IMF CPL
Returns component information as CPL.
Produces: -
application/xml –
Role: _item_shape_read
Delete a shape
(shape-id) Removes the specified shape. This will remove all components and and mark files for deletion, unless files are used in other shapes.
Query Parameters: -
url (boolean) –
- Instead of shape ids, return the full paths of the shapes in the response document. -
(default) - Only return the ids of the remaining shapes.
keepFiles (boolean) –
- Keep the files belong to this shape. -
(default) - Remove the files belong to this shape.
updateMetadata (boolean) –
- Remove the item metadata that is generate from this shape -
(default) - Keep the item metadata that is generate from this shape
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument
text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of ids or URLs
Role: _item_shape_write
Delete all shapes
Removes all shapes, regardless of essence version, for the specified item. This will remove all components and mark files for deletion, unless files are used in other shapes.
To delete all shapes for a specific essence version, see
DELETE /item/(id)/shape/version/(version)
.Query Parameters: -
keepFiles (boolean) –
- Keep the files belong to the shapes. -
(default) - Remove the files belong to the shapes.
Role: _item_shape_write
Importing a new shape
New shape can be imported in one of two methods. Both methods share a lot of similarities to item imports, using a URI or using the request body. The difference between a shape import and an essence version import is that it does not increment the essence version nor does it perform any transcoding.
Import a shape using a URI or an existing file
Starts a new shape import job using either a URI or a file id.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – A URI to the file that will be imported. Make sure to percent encode the URI. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
fileId (string) – The id of the file that contains the essence. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
allowReimport (boolean) –
- Import the file to this shape even if the file is already importing or is already part of another item. -
(default) Reject the request if the file with the given id has already been imported or is currently importing.
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Import a shape using the request body
Starts a new shape import job using the data in the request data.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream – The raw essence data.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Create a shape using shape technical information
Creates a new shape using the supplied information.
Changed in version 4.17.2: If the shape document has components that reference files (by id), then these files will be associated with the corresponding component.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
updateItemMetadata (boolean) – If the shape is tagged
and this query parameter istrue
, the item’s system metadata (e.g.durationSeconds
) is updated. Default isfalse
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – ShapeDocument
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ShapeDocument
Role: _import
Import a shape from an IMF package
Starts a new shape import job using a URI of an IMF asset map
Changed in version 5.3: IMF packages will now be validated using Photon and results saved as metadata on the item. Can be disabled with jobMetadata parameter.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – The URI of the asset map
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
removeOldEssenceFiles (boolean) –
- Remove files associated with shapes with same tags and lower essence version. -
(default) - Keep the files belong to the shapes.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
importTag (string[]) – A list of shape tags that the created shape will be associated with. Default is
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
The IMF shape import job accepts certain special jobMetadata parameters:
If set to true, do not perform Photon IMF package validation.
New in version 5.3.
Creating thumbnails and posters
Thumbnails and posters of a specific shape can be created by starting a thumbnail job.
Start a thumbnail job
Creates a new thumbnail job with the specified parameters. Note that a job cannot both create thumbnails at specified intervals and posters. Creating thumbnails according to transcoder rules and creating posters is however allowed.
Changed in version 5.0: For multi-layer PSD/PSB files, only a thumbnail of all layers flattened will be generated by default.
Query Parameters: -
createThumbnails (boolean) –
- Creates thumbnails according to default transcoder rules. -
t1, … - Thumbnails will be created on the specified, comma-separated, time codes.
(default) - No thumbnails will be created.
createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.
thumbnailWidth (integer) – The width of the thumbnails. If
is specified,thumbnailHeight
must also be specified. -
thumbnailHeight (integer) – The height of the thumbnails. If
is specified,thumbnailWidth
must also be specified. -
thumbnailPeriod (string) – Timecode string specifying the interval of the thumbnails. It should be a decimal integer when working with multi-page images/PDFs, meaning every N page(s).
posterWidth (integer) – The width of the posters.
posterHeight (integer) – The height of the posters.
posterFormat (string) –
(default) - Creates posters in JPEG format. -
- Creates posters in PNG format.
thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.
tag (string) – Include additional video settings from this transcode preset. Resolution settings in the tag are overridden by query parameters
. -
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – JobDocument
Essence versions
New versions of essence can be imported in one of two methods. Both methods share a lot of similarities to item imports, using a URI or using the request body.
List all essence versions
Returns a list containing URLs to all essence versions of the item.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – EssenceVersionListDocument containing information to all essence versions of the item.
Role: _item_shape_read
Import an essence version using a URI or an existing file
Starts a new essence import job using either a URI or a file id.
Query Parameters: -
uri (string) – A URI to the file that will be imported. Make sure to percent encode the URI. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
fileId (string) – The id of the file that contains the essence. Must be specified unless
is specified. -
allowReimport (boolean) –
- Import the file to this shape even if the file is already importing or is already part of another item. -
(default) Reject the request if the file with the given id has already been imported or is currently importing.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Import an essence version using the request body
Starts a new essence import job using the data in the request data.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string) – The tags to assign to the new shape.
storageId (string) – Identifier of storage where essence file is to be stored.
resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.
filename (string) – The filename to be stored as original filename
transferPriority (integer) – An integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates what priority the transfer should be given in relation to other transfers. A transfer with a high priority value is considered more important than a transfer with a low priority value.
transferId (string) – An id to assign the transfer to be able to refer to it.
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Status Codes: -
400 – If the amount of data received does not match the given Content-Length header.
Accepts: -
application/octet-stream – The raw essence data.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – A JobDocument that describes the import job.
Role: _import
Retrieve an essence version
(version) Returns a list of shapes from the specified version.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – EssenceVersionDocument containing all the shapes with the specified version.
Role: _item_shape_read
Delete an essence version
(version) Deletes all shapes associated with the specified version. Thumbnails connected to the version will also be deleted.
Role: _item_shape_write
Copy an essence version of a shape to a new version
Copies the specified shape to a new shape, with the new latest essence version number.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ShapeDocument containing the new shape.
Role: _item_shape_write
Copy an essence version of a shape to a specific version
(new-version) Copies the specified shape to a new shape, with the given essence version number.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ShapeDocument containing the new shape.
Role: _item_shape_write
Placeholder shapes
Create a placeholder shape
Creates an new placeholder shape for a specific item.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string) – Comma-separated shape tags to be added to the shape.
container (integer) – The number of container components
audio (integer) – The number of audio components
video (integer) – The number of video components
binary (integer) – The number of binary components
frameDuration (string) – duration for each image in the sequence.
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – SimpleMetadataDocument
Produces: -
text/plain – The id of the new shape.
Role: _import
Update a placeholder shape
Updates the expected number of container, video, audio and binary components for a specific placeholder shape.
Query Parameters: -
tag (string) – Comma-separated shape tags to be added to the shape.
container (integer) – The number of container components
audio (integer) – The number of audio components
video (integer) – The number of video components
binary (integer) – The number of binary components
Accepts: -
application/xml, application/json – SimpleMetadataDocument
Role: _import
Shape files
List all files for a shape
Returns all files that are associated with the specified shape.
Query Parameters: -
includeItem (boolean) –
- Return associated items, shapes, and components. -
(default) - Do not return any information about associated items, shapes, and components.
closedFiles (boolean) –
(default) - Return only files that are closed. -
- Return all files.
methodType (string) – Return URIs from storage methods with a particular type. By default, return URLs with empty
. -
storageType (string) – Only return URIs for files from storages of this type.
methodMetadata (string[]) – metadata used with storage method.
scheme (string) – URI scheme to return.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – FileListDocument
Role: _item_shape_read
Shape metadata
Please refer to Key-value metadata.
Updating an existing shape
If the shape deduction on import for some reason gave an incorrect result, it is possible to re-run the shape deduction using this command.
Re-run a shape deduction on an existing shape
Starts a new shape deduction job for the specified shape.
Query Parameters: -
notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.
notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.
priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is
. -
jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – JobDocument
Role: _item_shape_write
Tags of a shape
List all tags for a shape
Retrieves all shape tags associated with a certain shape.
Query Parameters: -
url (boolean) –
- Return list of URLs. -
(default) - Return list of ids.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument
text/plain – A list of the tags.
Role: _shape_tag_read
Add a tag to a shape
(tag-name) Adds shape tag with the given name to the specified shape. If the shape already has that tag, this operation does nothing.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Tag added successfully.
404 Not found – No tag with that name exists.
Role: _shape_tag_write
Remove a tag from a shape
(tag-name) Removes a tag with the given name from the specified shape.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Tag added successfully.
404 Not found – No tag with that name exists within the shape.
Role: _shape_tag_write
Shape mime types
List all mime types for a shape
Lists all mime types that are set on the shape. These can also be seen the ShapeDocument of the shape.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument containing all the mime types of the shape.
text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of mime types
Role: _item_shape_read
Add a mime type to a shape
(mime-type) Adds a new mime type to the shape. This operation does nothing if the shape already has the mime-type.
Role: _item_shape_write
Remove a mime type from a shape
(mime-type) Removes a mime type from the shape.
Role: _item_shape_write