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Release Notes [EM 21.1 RN]

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Release Notes are divided into the following sections:

Release 21.1.4


Progress Bar during Import

EditMate Panel shows a progress bar during import an signalize the user which sub step is in progress:

  • import

  • attach proxy

  • add meta data

  • generate sequence

For more information please see How can I view processes? [EM 21.1 UG].

Enhanced Detail Search

The new Detail Search improve the usability by removing unnecessary scrollbars. The metadata filter stays put and no longer collapses. For more information please view the following content Details Search [EM 21.1 UG] .

Marker Import based on Segment List Configuration - Enterprise Only

The segment list which will be used as source for the marker is configurable in the EditMate configuration in ConfigPortal. See Functional Use Case Category Segment Marker Configuration [ENT 21.1 OG]

Publish with Metadata Placeholder - Enterprise Only

The user can pick a Metadata Placeholder when publishing which carries all metadata. See Placeholder when Publishing [EM 21.1 UG]

Project Template Dialog

The user can multi-select a Project Template, which carry frequently used assets. Template are displayed in a re-designed Dialog which allows filtering an navigation in a hierarchical structure. See How do I manage Project Templates? [EM 21.1 UG] and Creating a New Project [EM 21.1 UG].

Force On-the-Go

The user can switch between working with the central storage or using the On-the-Go mode manually. This can be done to save bandwith or due to them working with an unreliable network. See On-the-Go Mode - Proxy Editing [EM 21.1 UG] .

Reattach Hires

Hires can be attached to the Proxy once the central storage is back accessible for the entire project

New Role Super User - Enterprise Only

EditMate supports the possibility of restricting the right to manage render presets and project templates to only those with the new super user role. This is configurable in ConfigPortal.

Group Role Assignment Improved - Enterprise Only

The assignment of a product role to a user group has been improved and is now more robust.

Collections with Partial

If a collection carries media which contains IN / OUT points, EditMate will include these partials as specified by the points. See How do I import media? [EM 21.1 UG].


Item #

Item Description


error when importing multiple collections wrh proxy


project saving of an empty project needs around 17 sec


EditMate imports the proxy version of an image


Camera Card import is very slow


clicking on folder node instead of items will crash ingest dialog


if project save ends up in an time out Panel doesn't react in a proper way / better error handling


deletion lock is reset during project save


Saving will return error if project title contain slash symbol


Deletion Lock: Video is not added DL after import into project


ensure that the user right mapping is working and super user can mantain EPR and Templates

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