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Audit trails [VC 21.3.1 GEN]

The audit log records all requests made to the API, excluding the request data, for later use. It is typically used for troubleshooting, to be able to determine what happened when, and for examining actions taken by users or other services.

Examining the log

List all audit log entries

GET /log

Retrieves log entries according to the specified filtering criteria. The path can be seen as having an implicit wildcard in the end, unless it is disabled with the wildcard parameter. For example /item/VX-123 will match /item/VX-123/shape but not /item/VX-124.

Changed in version 5.1: The body parameter was added.

Changed in version 21.3: The path query parameter now supports wildcards, ex path=/storage/*/file/*/metadata

Query Parameters:
  • path (string) – Matches path in log lines. Default is /.

  • first (integer) – Number of first row to return. Default is 0.

  • rows (integer) – Number of rows to return. Default is 100. Cannot be greater than 1000.

  • starttime (string) – ISO 8601 time, for lower limit of rows to return.

  • endtime (string) – ISO 8601 time, for upper limit of rows to return.

  • wildcard (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Treat end of path to have a * wildcard.

    • false - Do truncation at end of path.

  • username (string) – Only return rows that the specified user invoked. Default is all rows.

  • method (string) – Only return rows with the specified method, e.g. GET. Default is all rows.

  • performCount (boolean) –

    • true - Return a total number of rows matching criteria (except first and count).

    • false (default) - Do not return a total number of rows matching criteria.

  • sort (string) –

    • asc - Order by timestamp ascending.

    • desc (default) - Order by timestamp descending.

  • body (boolean) –

    • true - Display body and response codes, if available. To activate logging of the body and response code, see the auditTrailIncludeBody configuration property.

    • false (default) - Do not display body and response codes.




GET /log?path=/item/VX-10&method=GET&username=admin&performCount=true
<AuditLogDocument xmlns="">
  <entry timestamp="2010-11-26T15:46:25.328+01:00">
  <entry timestamp="2010-11-26T15:46:20.053+01:00">
  <entry timestamp="2010-11-26T15:28:03.674+01:00">
  <entry timestamp="2010-11-26T15:26:49.031+01:00">
  <entry timestamp="2010-11-26T15:16:53.508+01:00">

Retrieve the entire audit log

GET /log/export

Is very similar to the method above, but instead of delivering the entire document at once it is streamed. Therefore there is no restriction on the maximum number of rows that can be retrieved.

Query Parameters:
  • path (string) – Matches path in log lines. Default is /.

  • first (integer) – Number of first row to return. Default is 0.

  • rows (integer) – Number of rows to return. Default is 100.

  • starttime (string) – ISO 8601 time, for lower limit of rows to return.

  • endtime (string) – ISO 8601 time, for upper limit of rows to return.

  • wildcard (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Treat end of path to have a * wildcard.

    • false - Do truncation at end of path.

  • username (string) – Only return rows that the specified user invoked. Default is all rows.

  • method (string) – Only return rows with the specified method, e.g. GET. Default is all rows.

  • sort (string) –

    • asc - Order by timestamp ascending.

    • desc (default) - Order by timestamp descending.

  • body (boolean) –

    • true - Display body and response codes, if available. To activate logging of the body and response code, see the auditTrailIncludeBody configuration property.

    • false (default) - Do not display body and response codes.



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