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Workflow Design and Modeler Based on Camunda Engine & BPMN 2.0 [VF 21.1 UG]

Although VidiFlow users are able to search, view and monitor workflows for individual clients via the Workflow Monitor, modifying and creating workflows is done so in its own dedicated space by means of the Workflow Designer (accessible via ConfigPortal's Global Configurations Worklfows section). Both the Workflow Monitor's representation of workflows and the Workflow Designer are based on the Camunda engine. More importantly, the workflows operating through VidiFlow itself, are executed through the Camunda engine.
While the Camunda engine is the foundation for VidiFlow's workflow engine, the engine itself follows notation standards set by BPMN 2.0. Understanding BPMN 2.0 is essential for understanding the Camunda engine, as well as workflows, workflow monitoring and modelling.

VidiFlow users are given a detailed explanation of how workflows are monitored and interpreted. Both aspects are covered under the Workflows Monitor section.
Please note that, although the Workflow Designer is accessible via ConfigPortal, the Camunda engine serves as the base for all workflows for VidiFlow. The Workflow Designer offers a more streamlined and unified approach to modelling workflows. The execution itself is carried out by Camunda's powerful engine.

What is Camunda?

The Camunda engine is an application dedicated to automating the management of workflows, processes and executing decisions that are compliant with BPMN and DMN.

  • BPMN: Business Process Model and Notation
  • DMN: Decision Model and Notation

With this approach, the Camunda engine simplifies the way business processes and decision models are viewed, interpreted or modified. This allows for non-developers and developers alike to use modeler's effectively. Additionally, users are able modify the technical execution of processes by specifying each element's attributes directly from within the modeler itself.

What is BPMN 2.0?

Business Process Model and Notation serves as the foundation for standards and norms when it comes specifying processes and the modelling of these processes. The standards and norms specified by BPMN come in the form of graphical notations, with process stages being modelled as flowcharts.
BPMN not only serves as a standard and graphical reference of processes, but also allows the BPMN elements to be mapped with execution languages. As such BPM, offers a commonly accepted and accepted standard for the notation of, modelling and execution of business process models.
For a detailed explanation of BPMN 2.0, it is highly recommended users view BPMN's own documentation for BPMN version 2.0 standards and norms. These are both available under the following link:

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