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Vidispine services [VC 21.3 GEN]

Periodic and background operations are executed internally by Vidispine services. These resources are meant for system administrators or developers that need to troubleshoot or monitor a server.

The available Vidispine services may vary from version to version and should not be considered to be part of the stable API.

This is an internal API, and may change in future versions.

Vidispine services

List all services

GET /vidispine-service

Return all Vidispine services and their status and load.

Query Parameters:
  • stacktrace (boolean) – Return a stack trace for each service. Default is false



Retrieve a service

GET /vidispine-service/service/(service)

Return a specific Vidispine service and its status and load.

Query Parameters:
  • stacktrace (boolean) – Return a stack trace for each service. Default is false



Service status

Enable all services

PUT /vidispine-service/enable

Enables all disabled services.



Enable a service

PUT /vidispine-service/service/(service)/enable

Enables this service if disabled.



Disable all services

PUT /vidispine-service/disable

Disables all services. No instance in the cluster will run any services.



Disable a service

PUT /vidispine-service/service/(service)/disable

Disables this service. No instance in the cluster will run this service.



Stack trace

Retrieve service stack trace

GET /vidispine-service/stacktrace

Returns a stack trace from the system.

  • text/plain – A stack trace in plain text.



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