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Vidispine server agents [VC 21.3 GEN]

Vidispine server agents (VSAs) are typically handled with the vidispine-admin and vidispine-agent-admin shell tools. A few API commands are available for control, though.

Managing VSAs

List all server agents

GET /vxa

Returns all VSAs.



Retrieve a server agent

GET /vxa/(uuid)

Retrieves a specific VSA. As an alternative to the UUID, the name of the VSA can be used instead. The name syntax only works if the name is unique among the VSAs.



Retrieve the server agent configuration

GET /vxa/(uuid)/configuration

Returns the client-side configuration of the VSA.

  • application/json – A JSON object with the settings and current status of the VSA.



Register a server agent

PUT /vxa/enable-ssh

Registers a new VSA node in the system.

Query Parameters:
  • vsip (string[]) – The address to which the VSA should connect. Can be specified multiple times for a cluster configuration.

  • vsport (string[]) – The port to which the VSA should connect. Can be specified multiple times for a cluster configuration.

  • ws (string[]) – The URI to the API endpoint. Used to enable WebSocket tunneling, as an alternative to vsip/vsport. Can be specified multiple times for a cluster configuration.

  • uuid (string) – The UUID of the VSA. If not set, Vidispine will assign a UUID.

  • vxaname (string) – The name of the VSA.

  • text/plain – A text configuration to be added on the VSA’s configuration.



Delete a server agent

DELETE /vxa/(uuid)

Removes the VSA from the system



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