Storage name rules [VC 21.3 GEN]
Storage name rules can be used to enforce a specific naming scheme for files created on a specific storage.
Working with storage name rules
List all storage name rules applied on a shape
Retrieves a list of URIs to all storage name rules that are contained within a shape.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – URIListDocument
text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of URIs
Role: _storage_rule_read
Create a new storage name rule
(storage-id) Creates a new storage name rule that attempts enforce the filename on a certain storage. This operation does not rename the file, it merely creates a rule for it. The file will then be renamed at a later time, if the file is located on that storage.
Query Parameters: -
filename (string) – Required. The desired filename of the file.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Rule added successfully.
400 Bad request – A conflicting rule exists.
Role: _storage_rule_write
Delete a storage name rule
(storage-id) Deletes a storage name rule that matches the (item id, shape id, storage id, filename) quadruple. Note that this does not change any existing filenames a file might have.
Query Parameters: -
filename (string) – Required. The filename of the rule.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Rule removed successfully.
Role: _storage_rule_write