Storage groups [VC 21.3 GEN]
Storages can be organized in zero or more storage groups. Use storage groups to:
Allow users to group storages in your applications.
Apply storage rules to these groups.
Storage group metadata
Storages groups support key value metadata.
Managing storage groups
List all storage groups
Retrieves all storage groups known by the system.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – StorageGroupListDocument
Role: _storage_group_read
Create a storage group
(group-name) Creates a new storage group with the specified name. If the group already exists this operation does nothing.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Group created successfully.
Role: _storage_group_write
Delete a storage group
(group-name) Removes the storage group with the given name. Note that this operation does not remove the actual storages contained in the group.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Group removed successfully.
404 Not found – No group with that name exists.
Role: _storage_group_write
Storage group content
List all storages within a group
(group-name) Lists all storages belonging to a certain group.
Status Codes: -
404 Not found – No group with that name exists.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – StorageGroupDocument
Role: _storage_group_read
Add a storage to a group
(storage-id) Adds a storage to a group. If that group already contains the specified storage this operation does nothing.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Group added successfully.
404 Not found – No group with that name or no storage with that id exists.
Role: _storage_group_write
Remove a storage from a group
(storage-id) Removes a storage from a group.
Status Codes: -
200 OK – Group removed successfully.
404 Not found – No group with that name exists, or the group does not contain that storage.
Role: _storage_group_write