Scheduling requests [VC 21.3 GEN]
Some resources support that requests are scheduled for later processing. This is done by specifying the field schedule
in the request header. The value should be an ISO-8601 compatible timestamp stating the earliest time the request should be processed.
If the specified timestamp already has occurred, the call will proceed as usual. Otherwise HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) will be returned together with the CRLF-delimited triple (timestamp, request id, request URI).
For example, retrieving all metadata fields at a later time:
GET /metadata-fields HTTP/1.1
Schedule: 2010-07-02T11:55:00+02:00
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
2010-07-02T11:55:00+02:00 802972 http://localhost:8080/API/scheduled-request/802972
States of scheduled requests
There are four states that a scheduled request can be in.
The request has been scheduled and is waiting to be processed.
The request has been processed successfully, by receiving status code 200 (OK).
The request has been processed, but failed for unknown reasons.
The request has been processed, but received an unexpected status code.
Managing scheduled requests
List all scheduled requests
Retrieves all known scheduled requests for the current user.
Query Parameters: -
state (string) – Retrieve requests belonging to a certain state.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ScheduledRequestListDocument
GET /scheduled-request?state=SUCCESS
<ScheduledRequestListDocument xmlns="">
Retrieve a scheduled request
(request-id) Retrieves the request that matches the specified id.
Produces: -
application/xml, application/json – ScheduledRequestDocument
GET /scheduled-request/802972
<ScheduledRequestDocument xmlns="">
Retrieve the response body
Retrieves the response body of the scheduled request. This can only be called if the state of the request is either SUCCESS or BAD_REQUEST. The content-type is the same that was returned when the request was processed.
Produces: -
*/* – The response body.
GET /scheduled-request/802972/response
<MetadataFieldListDocument xmlns="">
<field system="true">
<field system="true">
Delete all scheduled requests
Deletes all scheduled requests for the current user.
DELETE /scheduled-request/
200 OK
Delete a scheduled request
(request-id) Deletes the scheduled request with the specified id.
DELETE /scheduled-request/802972
200 OK