Release Notes [VE 21.4 RN]
The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.
Release Notes are divided into the following sections:
Release 21.4.91
Breaking Changes
Responsive Player with Menu
The responsiveness of the source preview and timeline player has been improved so that whenever the screen resolution or space does not allow for showing all of the player’s controls a “show more…” menu appears that includes all these hidden controls. Source Preview Player Functions [VE 21.4 UG] | Show-More-menu .
Snap to Timeline Playhead
Prior to this release, users were already able to comfortably add segments to the timeline and snap the IN/OUT of the segments onto the timeline. With this release, it is now possible to use the timeline playhead position as well as the target of the snap to.
Image Grabber Workflow (Enterprise Version)
Via configuration, an image grabber workflow (VidiFlow workflow) can be added to the source player. This allows the user to grab an image from the source player while handing over the selected timecode position to the workflow. Please note that the image generation and following processing steps need to be set up inside the VidiFlow workflow. Grab Images from Video Assets [VE 21.4 UG] .
Lasso Tool / Multi Selecting Segments
A user can now use the lasso tool to conveniently multi select segments of the timeline with a drag-and-drop interaction drawing a rectangle on a timeline area to multi select segments. Multi-Select (Lasso tool) and Group Segments [VE 21.4 UG] .
Grouping of Segments
It is now possible to group timeline segments after the multi select so they are selected together in subsequent user interactions with a single click and can be moved around as a group of segments. Multi-Select (Lasso tool) and Group Segments [VE 21.4 UG] .
Image-Only Items
Still images can now be configured to be usable on the timeline for editing. This supports all video effects as well as transparency options depending on the used format. Still Image Items [VE 21.4 UG] and
Supported Image Formats (Enterprise) [VE 21.4 OG] and Supported Image Formats [VE 21.4 OG]
Support of 50 fps proxy timelines
Timelines created can now also be in 50 fps frame rate using 50 fps proxy files besides the already existing frame rates. Supported Proxy Video Format (Enterprise) [VE 21.4 OG].
Support of AAC format for audio only items
Apart from an m4a and mp4 wrapper, aac files can now also be used for streaming. Supported Audio Format (Enterprise) [VE 21.4 OG] .
ID | Name |
191093 | Timeline player is not showing drop frame timecode symbol when create new project |
198390 | Player: Waveforms not displayed in audio selection |
191120 | Audiotrack selection does not allow "no selection" |
198388 | Player: Pop ups dont hide after loading a video |
197799 | Lasso only works to right in MediaManagement layout |
197797 | Waveform Display on Cam Cards is not correct |
191488 | Migration to support Kubernetes 1.22 |
197692 | Evaluation of Input Params has to be updated when a different Workflow is selected |
191424 | Motion Graphics: Animations with expressions do not initialize correctly in player |
184684 | Graphics: Edit Area - Global should be styled like a layer |
187147 | After drag and drop blue box overlays on timeline |
187678 | Should have same behaviour for link/ unlink when using different methods |
192057 | MotionGraphics: Context Menu is missing |
191412 | Move mode - VE is having different behaviour on moving timeline segment in move edit mode compare to Premiere Pro |
182323 | MoveMode: move to the left segment < 50% will cut the preceding segment |
192066 | Link/Unlink: doesn't trigger timeline save, changes on this is not save for next open |
197798 | Motion Graphics: Ctrl + k add cut to motion graphic segments |
192110 | Move Mode: Linked Segments do not move when arranged on different audio tracks |
189770 | Azure Blob with presigned off, not the expected path pass to player |
178216 | Press "Enter" will cause project menu to expand |
191481 | After reset timeline, the buffer canvas stay in timeline |
187144 | Splitter between graphical and audio area not accurate |
188718 | Project breadcrumb header is not cleared when switching to another project |
187306 | Hard to drag new media on timeline to new blank space |
191431 | AAC wrapper: file end with .aac not able to playback in source player |
188725 | Cropping of mobile aspect ratios is not accurate |
190757 | Motion Graphics: When scaling the browser witdth the Motion Graphics different then 16:9 move out |
191275 | Transition in between cut is not removed after moving the right-hand block onto different track |
191206 | CP: ShapeTag Label field should overwrite selection in Publish Dropdown |
191014 | Left over scenario with block the trimming of segment when there's no gap available |
191199 | Hide resize handle when multiple segments selected |
190842 | Link unlink not working via context menu |
184420 | Load time on projects having bigger camera card is long |
190605 | GrowingFiles: Trim removes segment if media is still growing |
191133 | Ensure Sequence Document does not have faulty transition |
191200 | Segment state did not reset to idle after moving or resizing |
185847 | Sometimes Trim out of segment removes segment |
191439 | VN: Login on Vidinet always throws null ref exception |
191172 | Snap to Playhead on timeline: Implement the request ;-) |
190268 | Unable to save voice over |
190460 | VO Segment is not outputted correctly in Timeline playback |
189942 | ShapeTags are not shown in Publish after implementing WF parameters |
189122 | Timeline: Cannot be played back because Segements overlap each other |
188057 | Preview of Video Soft Dissolve incosistent between Timeline GUI and Timeline Preview Player |
185146 | Small Segments cannot be trimed as tooltip blocks trim hovering |
190696 | Unable to trim the selected segment |
190662 | Block the trimming of segment when there's no gap available |
190660 | MoveMode not working on multiple tracks only on single track |
190606 | MotionGraphics: Moving Motion Graphis on Timeline should be as sensitive as moving videos |
190267 | Transition in between block should locate at left block when mouse move at 2nd block |
189454 | Framerate default for Audio only Files displays at 25 |
190592 | In/Out markers are not set when loading from the detailed metadata view of the Segment List |
190573 | Display of Segment metadata not formatted |
190528 | Tooltip on the segments are placed out of the timeline area |
190633 | MotionGraphics: Moving animation should work like on videos |
189767 | Disabling Video and VO Track (Layer) is not working |
189396 | On resizing project bin, the sticky part of the grid is misaligned |
189519 | Timeline player is unable to play on new project when insert a collection bin for videos with different fps |
185251 | Small segment cannot be selected |
190632 | Segment moving in Timeline, move indicator should start at segment in not at cursor position |
187159 | Abort Trim via Keyboard shortcut |