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Supported Image Formats [VE 21.4 OG]

VidiEditor supports still images of different file formats.

Format Specification

Due to the playback in VidiEditor source and timeline players, the usage of image items in VidiEditor is limited to:

Formats: JPG, PNG with and without alpha channel

Other formats such as TIFF, TGA, BMP or GIF might be possible but depend on the systems design. It can be said upon request if those formats are possible.


Via configuration a list of supported VidiCore shapes can be defined to be usable in VidiEditor via the configuration switch: ME_ProxyImageShapeTag (see Default Configuration [VE 21.4 OG]) this switch allows to set:

  1. Explicit shape name: In configuration every name matching a VidiCore shape can be set. In result VidiEditor will display all results matching this shape in its search and allows the user to use them in VidiEditor. Anyway using this option it is no guarantee that the files managed under this shape name will work in Preview and Publish. It must be ensured that the ingested shapes are of supported type.

  2. Original: Setting the configuration to original allows to work on the original shape of the items. Doing so the VidiEditor will filter for additional criteria in its search to ensure the type is of supported list of formats. In result only images are found that have original shape set and are of supported type.

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