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Release Notes [MP 21.4 RN]

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Release Notes are divided into the following sections:



Release 21.4

Breaking Changes


Hoover Scrub

Whenever a user opens the Grid view, it will now display a hoover feature. This will show a thumbnail corresponding to the cursor position on x-axis. This grants users a quick overview of the video content without the need to load it into the player.

Select Multiple Entries with Shift

In addition to being able select multiple of entries from the results via the CTRL key, it is now possible to select multiple entries from the results with the SHIFT key. Doing so will select all objects between the first and last entry while the SHIFT key is pressed.

Drag and Drop on Multiple Entries

Having previously selected multiple items, users can now drag them all at the same time into the Dropzone.

Open the Preview Panel and Dropzone Simultaneously

Having both functions open enables for a more convenient interaction between the two views.

Sort by Relevance

Relevance is computed internally by the search index by utilization and number of hits and is now available as a default option on the sorting dialog.

Store User Dependent Metadata

There is now a user related metadata field which contains information, such as the last triggered workflows or the selected columns on the table view. Feature releases will have additional functions based on this feature.

Filter on Filter and Sort Entries

If the list of entries on a filter card is very long, the user can now narrow down the number of entries by typing in the name of the searched entry. Also a sorting of these entries on the filter card can be performed by number of results or alphabetically. Filter [MP 21.4 UG] | Show-only-specific-values .

Dependent Filters and Optimized Display

An administrator can configure the dependency between different filter cards. If a user were to select ‘video' from the media type, it will open the 'duration’ filter card just below the related filter card.

My Items / My Collections

A new button allows one to narrow down the results to content in which the logged-in user is the owner. How do I search for something? [MP 21.4 UG] | My-Content .

Pre-Defined Date Filter

This function can be enabled via ConfigPortal. If enabled, all date related filter cards will have 3 predefined entries for the date range. Filter [MP 21.4 UG] | Pre-Defined-Date-Ranges .

Support of URLs as Links in Metadata Dialog

If a user inserts an URL via the metadata dialog, it is detected as a link and can be clicked on in read mode.

Listen to Individual Audio Channels

If the setting is enabled via the config tool users can not only select different audio tracks in pairs, but also listen individually to single channels or all of them at the same time. Preview Panel [MP 21.4 UG] | Audio-Channel-Selection .

Support of Camera Cards

The original structure of clips which where on a camera card can be preserved during upload in VidiFlow. This structure can then be seen in a special segment list. If a camera card item is loaded into the player, the user then can select between continuous and original time code of the clips. Preview Panel [MP 21.4 UG] | Camera-Cards .

Remove Entries from Flow Dialog

A small but helpful feature now allows one to remove previously selected entries from the open Flow dialog. Actions [MP 21.4 UG] | Flow .

Show history on last 5 actions

It is possible to turn this feature on and off via the ConfigPortal. When on, users will see the last 5 actions they performed via the Flow dialog and conveniently find them at their fingertips. Actions [MP 21.4 UG] | Flow .

Sort Workflows

Administrators can now configure the sorting of displayed workflows on the Flow dialog in ConfigPortal. If this is not done, the sorting will be alphabetical by default. Actions [MP 21.4 UG] | Flow .

Filter on Destinations

Filter the destinations on listed Flow workflows by typing in a name or part of the name in the new filter field. This helps to find the right workflow for systems with a very long list of destinations. Actions [MP 21.4 UG] | Flow .

Provide New Name for Flow Dialog

As some customers require a reference to previous systems, it is possible to rename the Flow dialog to a custom value, such as 'SendTo'. Send To [MP 21.4 OG] | General .

Rename Label

When putting multiple partials of the same item into the Dropzone, it can be helpful to edit the label individually for a better exchange with VidiEditor. How do I collect material? [MP 21.4 UG] | Dropzone .

Open Preview Panel or Details

When a user wants to return to the source information of an entry in the Dropzone, this is now made possible by opening the Preview Panel (single click) or the item/collection details (double click). How do I collect material? [MP 21.4 UG] | Dropzone .

Display Count

The current number of entries in the user's Dropzone is now displayed, similarly to a shopping cart, on the Dropzone icon on the top right. This is visible without having the DropZone open. How do I collect material? [MP 21.4 UG] | Dropzone .

Upload to Collection and Trigger Workflow

Add some versatility to the upload process by configuring an additional workflow. This runs apart from the item import workflow on the newly created collection. Upload [MP 21.4 OG] | General .

Different Upload Views for Object Type and Categories

Different views for different media types or categories can now be configured by an administrator in the ConfigPortal. Upload [MP 21.4 OG] | Upload[MP21.4OG]-Forms .

NRCS Plugin

The MediaPortal offers an additional route in the URL to display a view which is tailored to the needs of Newsroom Computer Systems (NRCS). NRCS Plugin [MP 21.4 UG] .

Open in External Tab

Instead of opening an external application in an i-frame it is not also possible to this is also in an additional tab. External Applications [MP 21.4 UG] .

PDF View

Open, view and read PDF documents directly in the MediaPortal.

Show Processes also on Collections

The Process view now also displays workflows of VidiFlow or VidiCore jobssteps on collections.





ID error, when opening item during upload


Number of default values in results view is ignored


Upload: Crashes when entry is removed from 'Uploaded List' while another Upload is running


Adjust Snackbar for created collection and workflow


Users are suddenly logged out


Trigger WF on Collection Creation - Add to Collection


Table View Multiselect Glitch


Sort Values on DropDown for Advanced Search


Hoover scrub related issues


Error when selecting 'All Categories' and saved search


Calculate Flow Duration correctly


Right Click behavior


Bulkediting changes all boolean fields


Camera Cards dont always show Zero based Timecode when openend on NDR Integration or Production System


German Translation


Default Values on Create Collection not filled


Mandatory fields on create collection not covered


Upload: Metadata copied incorrectly on second upload


Mandatory fields in Flow not covered


Application stops with error when using the date range filter in Events view


Events not detected as Video in Dropzone


Duration on growing files is displayed wrong


Read Metadata von INF and not Timed group


Header ist too large


Active VidiFlow Processes are Grey


Treat In & Out Point and Full Clips on all workflow triggers identical


OriginalFilenma on Upload can only be set by administrators


Alternative Collection View in DarkMode: X for closing not really visible


Collection view layout issue with whitespace


Log Out Function of seems to be broken in relation to Auth Service


Multiline config in Metadata views seems to be broken


Show label on EventSearch values


Open EventSearch on fresh restart will not open the search but stays on item search


Items loading White Screen when loading clips - after uploading through Web UI 


Title in Table View is chopped off 23 characters, need to be able to see full name


Set Default Value for Craeted Time to 00:00:00 / Set Endtime to 24:00 on Date/Time Filter 


Refresh browser does not work, loads an error page 


Style optimizations in 'Collection view'


In context menu of 'Collection view' the 'Delete' and 'Add To Collection' removes/adds the whole collection, not the selected item


Cancel button not closing the 'Add To' dialog window in Upload component


Sort dropdown In DarkMode- only current sort criteria is visible, all others too dark to see.


MPNext Occasionally turns blank in Chrome


Incorrect timecode


Removing first item in Upload component list breaks with error


Randomly Search doesn't work anymore


Add partial Items to Collection is not working


Search Results Advanced - with Exact Strings Certain fields works differently


Cannot Bulk Select - Add to DropZone etc. [Drag&Drop]


MP is not accessable after deployment


Audio Duration not showing on Card View


Audio Duration displays oddly - should match Video Durations


Bookmark has no next page button in dark mode and High contrast Mode


Segment lists not displaying for Audio Files


MP Next - Duration extracted from wrong field of shape


Configured Default Values from SendTo are not displayed anymore


Scaling of Title not ideal, Shorten after 50 characters and append …


Open Camera Card Item on NDR Opens different Item ID on Details than on Preview Panel

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