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License [VC 21.3 GEN]

The license resource allows you to view and update your Vidispine license. It is also the entry point to use if the system is being used as a licensing provider.

Version and license

Retrieve version and license information

GET /version

Display your license allowance and current system usage.

The systemInfo element in the response shows the MAC addresses discovered on the local system. The MAC-address(es) in the license key must match that/those of your system.

  • application/xml, application/jsonVersionDocument

  • text/plain – The version details in a informational text format.

Retrieve the license file

GET /license

Retrieves the contents of the installed license file.

  • text/plain – The contents of the license file.

Slave management and monitoring

Deprecated since version 5.0: A license file should be used instead.

Install a slave license on a master node

Deprecated since version 5.0.

PUT /license/slave

Installs the slave license file with the given path.

Query Parameters:
  • path (string) – Required. The name of the slave license file.


Install a slave license on a master node

Deprecated since version 5.0.

POST /license/slave

Installs a slave license.

  • text/plain – The content of the slave license file.


List all slaves

GET /license/slave

Returns a list of all the slave nodes connected to this master. Slaves that have not been seen for more than 180 minutes will not be available.


List slave license status

GET /license/slave/(id)

Returns information about the slave with the given id.


Retrieve a slave license file

GET /license/slave/(id)/license

Returns the slave license for a specific slave.


Delete a slave instance

Deprecated since version 5.0.

DELETE /license/slave/(id)

Removes the slave with the given id.

List all installed slave licenses

Deprecated since version 5.0.

GET /license/slave/license

Returns the id and SlaveIdentifier of all installed slave license on a master

Query Parameters:
  • slaveId (string) – Find the slave license with this slave id.


List installed slave licenses by id

Deprecated since version 5.0.

GET /license/slave/license/(id)

Returns the detail of an installed slave license with the given id


Install or update slave connection string

PUT /APInoauth/license/auth-info


PUT /APInoauth/license/auth-info
Content-Type: application/xml

<SlaveAuthInfoDocument xmlns="">

License validity and status can be seen from GET /version.

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