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Item conform [VC 21.3 GEN]

The conform resource exposes a simple way to combine media from one or more items into a new item. It is also possible to select specific parts from the input by specifying an input interval.

This could be used when you for example want to:

  • Merge spanned P2 clips.

  • Render a simple sequence as defined by a user.


Start a conform job

POST /conform

Starts a new CONFORM job that creates a new item and one or more shapes that contains media according to the conform timeline.

Query Parameters:
  • conformMetadata (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Copy metadata from the source items, according to the timeline, to the resulting item.

    • false - Do not copy metadata from the source items.

  • sourceTag (string) – Comma-separated list of shape tags, that specify the shapes that should be used as inputs.

  • original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.

  • resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.

  • tag (string) – Comma-separated list of shape tags, that specify the desired output.

  • createThumbnails (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Creates thumbnails according to default transcoder rules.

    • false - No thumbnails will be created.

  • createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.

  • thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.

  • destinationItem (string) – An item id, to which the new new shape will be associated.

  • notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.

  • notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.

  • priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is MEDIUM .

  • jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.



Start a conform job for an existing item

POST /item/(id)/timeline/(timeline-format)/conform

Starts a new CONFORM job that creates one or more shapes that contains media according to the conform timeline.

The timeline must be a ConformDocument, else the request will be rejected.

Query Parameters:
  • conformMetadata (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Copy metadata from the source items, according to the timeline, to the resulting item.

    • false - Do not copy metadata from the source items.

  • sourceTag (string) – Comma-separated list of shape tags, that specify the shapes that should be used as inputs.

  • original (string) – If specified, should be one of the tags specified in the tag parameter. Specifies that the original shape tag will be reset to the shape created to this tag.

  • resourceId (string) – The transcoder resource to use to execute the transcode.

  • tag (string) – Comma-separated list of shape tags, that specify the desired output.

  • createThumbnails (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Creates thumbnails according to default transcoder rules.

    • false - No thumbnails will be created.

  • createPosters (string) – A list of time codes to use for creating posters.

  • thumbnailService (string) – Identifies which thumbnail resource that should be used.

  • destinationItem (string) – An item id, to which the new new shape will be associated.

  • overrideFastStart (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Use transcoder’s estimate of the duration for allocating header space in MOV files and similar files.

    • false - Do not use the transcoder’s estimate of the duration.

  • requireFastStart (boolean) –

    • true (default) - Try to put the index tables (header) in front of the file.

    • false - Put header at end of file.

  • fastStartLength (string) – Estimated duration of the clip in seconds.

  • notification (string) – The placeholder job notification to use for this job.

  • notificationData (string) – Any additional data to include for notifications on this job.

  • priority (string) – The priority to assign to the job. Default is MEDIUM .

  • jobmetadata (string[]) – Additional information for the job task.



Example: joining two clips

In this example item VX-1 and VX-2 are the two clips that should be joined/concatenated. A shape-tag with an empty preset (here the original tag) is specified so that the output has the same format as the input.

POST /conform?tag=original
Content-Type: application/xml

<ConformRequestDocument xmlns="">
    <timespan start="-INF" end="+INF">
        <value>Joined A and B</value>
<JobDocument xmlns="">
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