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Deletion locks [VC 21.3 GEN]

Manage deletion locks.

New in version 4.15.

In the following reference, {lock-entity} is one of the following:

  • /collection

  • /collection/(collection-id)

  • /item

  • /item/(item-id)

  • {storage-resource}/file

  • {file-resource}

Manage deletion locks

List all locks

GET /deletion-lock

Retrieves a list of deletion locks.

Query Parameters:
  • onlyEffective (boolean) –

    • true - Only return the effective lock of the entity.

    • false (default) - Return all deletion locks applied on the entity.

  • first (integer) – Return locks starting from the specified offset. Default is 1, the first lock.

  • number (integer) – Return at most the specified number of locks. Default is 100.

  • metadata (string[]) –

    Filter out only the locks that has metadata according to the filter criteria.

    • key = value - Multiple query parameters can be specified.

    Note that = is part of the query parameter, and has to be encoded (%3d).

  • username (string) – Comma-separated user names. Filter only locks created by the specified user(s).

  • range (string) – Filter out locks whose expiry time is within the specified range. The range format is [d..d], (d..d), [d..d), (d..d], (*..d], [d..*), or (*..*). d is a date and time in the ISO 8601 format.

  • entityTypes (string) –

    Comma-separated list. Only return locks set explicitly on the specified entity type(s).

    Valid values are: item, collection, file, and all (default).



GET /deletion-lock?user=testuser

Retrieve a lock

GET /deletion-lock/(lock-id)

Returns a specific lock.



List all locks for an entity

GET {lock-entity}/deletion-lock

Retrieves a list of deletion locks on the entity.

Query Parameters:
  • onlyEffective (boolean) –

    • true - Only return the effective lock of the entity.

    • false (default) - Return all deletion locks applied on the entity.

  • first (integer) – Return locks starting from the specified offset. Default is 1, the first lock.

  • number (integer) – Return at most the specified number of locks. Default is 100.

  • metadata (string[]) –

    Filter out only the locks that has metadata according to the filter criteria.

    • key = value - Multiple query parameters can be specified.

    Note that = is part of the query parameter, and has to be encoded (%3d).

  • username (string) – Comma-separated user names. Filter only locks created by the specified user(s).

  • range (string) – Filter out locks whose expiry time is within the specified range. The range format is [d..d], (d..d), [d..d), (d..d], (*..d], [d..*), or (*..*). d is a date and time in the ISO 8601 format.



Retrieve a lock for an entity

GET {lock-entity}/deletion-lock/(lock-id)

Returns a specific lock.



Managing Deletion Locks

Create a lock

POST {lock-entity}/deletion-lock

Creates new deletion lock based on the information in the DeletionLockDocument.




POST /deletion-lock
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<DeletionLockDocument xmlns="">

Update a lock

PUT /deletion-lock/(lock-id)

Updates a lock based on the information in the DeletionLockDocument.



Update a lock

PUT {lock-entity}/deletion-lock/(lock-id)

Updates a lock based on the information in the DeletionLockDocument.



Delete a lock

DELETE /deletion-lock/(lock-id)
DELETE {lock-entity}/deletion-lock/(lock-id)

Delete a lock that was explicitly set on this entity.



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