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With Workflows Usage [ENT 21.3 OG]

The current version of S4M transcoder is only capable of creating proxy files. For creation of keyframes and analysis still the Vidispine transcoder has to be used.


Currently the filename of the created proxy file will always be the same as of the original file. If you transcode another file with same name this will currently lead to cancelation of the transcoder, as it is not allowed to create the same filename in the same target storage.

The following aspects must be considered:

  • Profile Id must be "vpms_proxy" and the same name must be used a TargetShapeTag for the task
  • Shape tag with same name "vpms_proxy" must be manually created in Vidispine
  • The source and target storages used by S4M Transcoder must have a storage method "UNC" of storage method type "Windows" in addition to Vidispine usable storage method.
  • Currently, the file name of the created proxy file will always be the same as of the original file.
  • S4M Transcoders does (currently) support far less origin video formats than Vidispine. It might be needed to convert the original file to some house format before starting the S4M Transcoder on that house format
  • S4M Transcoder currently only creates Proxy Videos, no keyframes or other analysis
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