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VidiFlow Workflow on Project Creation [VE 21.3 OG]

When creating projects in VidiEditor, these will be persisted in the central VidiCore component (see: Architecture [VE 21.3 OG]). These are also usable by VidiFlow.

When running VidiEditor together with VidiFlow, it can make sense to also trigger a VidiFlow workflow on project creation depending on the system design. An easy example of this could be to use the workflow to collect metadata from a 3rd party interface and enrich it to the VidiEditor project. Several different scenarios could be thought for using this configuration in a complex system design, using several options supported by VidiFlow based on the created VidiEditor collection (compare: Data Handling [VE 21.3 OG]). The following relevant information about this workflow should be given:

Number of workflows possible


Workflow name

Configurable via ConfigPortal


Fire and Forget (No Monitoring by VidiEditor)

Input Parameter

Collection ID (VidiEditor Project)

Activation of feature

Active if a Workflow is set in ConfigPortal

Trigger of Workflow Instance

Create Project in VidiEditor

The configuration of the workflow to be triggered can be made in the VidiEditor configuration inside ConfigPortal und VidiEditor → Project → Create Project → Trigger Workflow. It allows one to select a workflow from the existing list of VidiFlow workflows.

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