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VidiCore 21.3 Release Notes [VC 21.3.1 RN]


New versioning scheme for VidiCore and VidiCoder

In order to align versions within the Vidispine product portfolio, the versioning scheme for VidiCore and VidiCoder has been changed to YEAR.QUARTER[.PATCH], e.g., 21.3, 21.3.1, 21.4, and 22.1. Users can still upgrade from any 5.x to 21.3 directly.

VidiNet Cognitive Service support in VidiCore

A number of new features and improvements has been added to support VidiNet Cognitive Service (VCS) on VidiNet:

For more information about how to setup and use VCS, please refer to the documentation on VidiNet.

Enhanced AWS IAM role support

User is now able to specify a roleARN parameter when setting up a AWS resource in VidiCore. It makes cross account access using IAM role possible. This is supported in S3 storages method, S3 Event SQS Notifications, SQS/SNS notification action

Proxying HTTP connection via a VSA

It’s now possible to use VSA as a HTTP proxy, so that the http javascript object in VidiCore is able to access on-prem resources:



  • Add external id when creating placeholder item (#4789).

  • Support for AWS Restore Notifications (S3:ObjectsRestore:Completed) for SQS and SNS (#4723).

  • Doing quota calculation in small chunks (#4931).

  • Return 503 instead of 401 when the database is down (#4910).

  • Include database in the health check endpoint: /APInoauth/is-online?checkdb=true (#4798).

  • Implementation of Wildcard/Regex within the path logs in Audit Trails (#4625).

  • Add a new collection/{id}/collection endpoint to fetch child collections (#4017).

Transcoder improvements

  • Allow pass-through of URIs in SequenceDocument to NLEJobDocuments (#4845).

Bug fixes

  • Possible integer overflow during timecode comparison (#4924).

  • VSA connections may lead to race conditions (#4909).

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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