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Use-Case Packages [INT ENT 21.4 ARC]

Use-case packages bundle a certain functionality or a functional context. The package may provide all aspects for connecting to a third-party system (e.g. an editing system). Or it may provide interfaces on top on an Enterprise MAM system for make specific interfaces available. Or or may add some other type of functionality to the Enterprise MAM solution. The crucial point is that each use-package stands for a certain block of functionality which extend the core features of an Enterprise MAM solution.

Each use-case package may contain none, one, or more of the following components:

  • Agents [INT ENT 21.4 ARC],

  • backend modules providing API endpoints,

  • backend modules performing background jobs,

  • ConfigPortal configuration pages.

Each use-case package is deployed as a whole to an Enterprise MAM solution.

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