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Trimming Segments [ VE 20.2 UG]

When editing your sequence in the timeline, users can shorten or extend segments while dragging the IN or OUT point using the mouse. This operation is called a trim. When hovering on a cut (IN/OUT point), users will see a blue bracket indicating which segment will be adjusted (IN or OUT point).

If one drags the segment with the bracket, it will be shortened or extended depending on the direction of the mouse movement. During this operation, a tooltip is displayed indicating the duration information of the trim operation. Users are also informed when one tries to extend the length longer than possible:

After releasing the drag, the segment will be updated to the new duration.

Ripple Edit

Depending on the ripple delete mode, the trim operation will work differently for subsequent segments following the trimmed segment. Please read Ripple Edit and Ripple Delete [ VE 20.2 UG] for further information.

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