Support of MediaPortal Collections [ENT 22.1 OG]
As mentioned in the previous section MediaPortal expects a workflow parameter input that must have the name "WorkflowObjects" to provide one or more assets as list to the workflow. The elements in the list will than have the following "properties" for each element:
- ObjectID: Id of the asset (= Item ID in Vidispine)
- Title
- RenamedTitl
- TimeCodeIn
- TimeCodeOut
- Timebase
- TimeCodeInFramecount
- TimeCodeOutFramecount
- Duration
- DurationFramecount
Whenever such a workflow is called on as single asset in MediaPortal's search result list, it will get a list with one element providing all of the above properties with their actual values.
If called on a collection, the workflow will get a list with as many elements as are available in the collection.
To access the elements, one must always use the Multi Instance mechanism to access the single element(s) and the values of the properties. This is also true if only one element is in the list.
In VidiFlow versions prior to 19.1 one had to use workflows that have at least one above properties as simple datatypes. E.g. ObjectId as String input parameter. |