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Step-by-Step Creating a Media Ingest Workflow [ENT 21.4 OG]

If you have VidiFlow installed together with the object and metadata repository (Vidispine), you will also have a set of tasks for the creation and management of objects and metadata.
The following section covers a step-by-step description on how to setup a typical ingest workflow.
The underlying use case is as follows:

  • One wants to ingest video files from a watchfolder
  • Optionally, sidecar files can be placed into the same watchfolder, which include an XML definition of metadata for a video file. This sidecar file must have the same name as the video for which it contains the metadata file and suffix ".xml".

This use case can be structured as follows:

  • Create a workflow that gets a video file as input. This workflow creates an asset in the object repository and moves the file from watchfolder to another defined storage.
  • Create another workflow that gets a sidecar file as input. This workflow searches for an existing asset in the object repository that has a video file with same name as the sidecar file. If it finds a matching item, it will import the metadata information from the sidecar file and attach those metadata to the asset.
  • Create a XSLT to transform xml elements and save their extracted values into VidiCore metadata The XSLT can be directly inserted and saved as a storage metadata property in this configurational dialogue.
  • In addition, one must configure a watchfolder which triggers the above workflows whenever a respective file is placed in that storage.

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