Requirements [INT ENT 21.4 ARC]
The following tables list requirements on the Kubernetes cluster used for deploying and running an Enterprise MAM Solution. Depending on the underlying infrastructure further Kubernetes features or add-ons may be necessary.
Cluster sizing is not covered by this page and needs to be determined in the course of an implementation project.
The required Kubernetes version is not defined in this document. Please refer to the documentation of the respective products to be installed on the Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes Core
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
CNCF Certified Kubernetes | Core Kubernetes functionality like Namespaces, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, CronJobs, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Service Account Tokens | REQUIRED |
RBAC | API access, dashboard access | REQUIRED |
Custom Resources | Operators for metallb, TCP mapping | REQUIRED |
Pod Security Policies | MetalLB, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager | REQUIRED |
Pod Disruption Budgets | Ingress Controllers (nginx, HAproxy) | REQUIRED |
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
Multiple ingress controllers | VidiFlow public & private ingress | REQUIRED |
Different ingress controller types | nginx for VidiFlow, HAproxy for StreamingServer | REQUIRED |
Reverse proxy | All Web UIs (e.g. ConfigPortal, Workflow Monitor); many APIs (e.g. Workflow API) | REQUIRED |
SSL/TLS termination | For SSL/TLS termination of UI and API endpoints | RECOMMENDED |
TCP port mapping | VidiCore API; further APIs not exposed via reverse proxy on ports 80/443 | REQUIRED |
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
Upstream DNS server | Access to externally provided components, e.g. database, LDAP server | REQUIRED |
Overlay network | Network communication between pods on different cluster nodes | REQUIRED |
MAC address spoofing in pods | Only for node-locked VidiCore licence | OPTIONAL |
Multiple hostnames and IP addresses for system endpoints | Users interfaces usually share one endpoint, but may be configured to different endpoints. VidiFlow needs an endpoint of its own. | REQUIRED |
Internet access to Vidispine licence server | For VidiCore online licence | RECOMMENDED |
Additional node IP via ARP announcement | For MetalLB in layer-2-mode | RECOMMENDED |
External load balancer | For proper load distribution between the cluster nodes | RECOMMENDED |
BGP support in external load balancer | OPTIONAL |
Cluster Nodes
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
Fixes IP addresses | Once a node has been added to the Kubernetes cluster it's IP must not change any more. The IP address cannot be adjusted w/o taking the node out of the cluster and re-joining it. | REQUIRED |
Sufficient log file storage | REQUIRED | |
Operating system updates | REQUIRED | |
Dedicated notes for Kubernetes master and etcd | RECOMMENDED | |
Node labels | For defining different node types (refer to hardware requirements guide). | REQUIRED |
Cluster Management
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
Add nodes during operation | For scaling when in production | RECOMMENDED |
Remove nodes during operation | For scaling when in production | RECOMMENDED |
Cluster upgrade with cordon/drain per node | Useful when cluster sizing has sufficient room to hold all pods even if one node is down | RECOMMENDED |
Cluster upgrade w/o cordon/drain | Most likely scenario when cluster is fully booked | REQUIRED |
etcd backup | The contents of the etcd cluster must be backed up on a regular basis. It is crucial for desaster recovery scenarios | REQUIRED |
Overall backup & desaster recovery | RECOMMENDED |
Linux Kernel
Requirement | Usage Examples / Comments | Requirement Level (RFC 2119) |
The Linux kernel must contain a fix for this kmem bug: | When using CentOS or RHEL prior to version 7.7, please ensure a kernel version of kernel-3.10.0-1075.el7 or newer | REQUIRED |
The Linux kernel should be newer than 4.9.25 to properly support xfs. See | When using xfs as filesystem for node-local storage (e.g. Elasticsearch) please ensure proper kernel support for xfs. Otherwise ext4 is the preferred file system. | RECOMMENDED |