Publishing a Timeline Sequence [ VE 20.2 UG]
Whenever a user is finished with their editing project, they can choose to export their sequence into the media repository as new video file by selecting and clicking on the "Publish" button (1) located on the timeline's upper ribbon. Doing so will then prompt the Publish Settings window in which users are able to specify and define the settings (2) they wish to use. Clicking on Publish (3) will confirm the settings.

The publish dialogue is highly customizable and therefor the displayed options highly depend on the version used as well as on the system design. It can be divided into the following type of available parameters:
The Title field of newly created media.
Always available and mandatory in all VidiEditor variants.
A string field to give a user friendly name to search and display in other applications.
A configurable list of transcoding presets defining the possible target formats of the newly created media file.
VidiNet Version:
Mandatory parameter for publishing a sequence as this setting defines the output format on the transcoding job.
If not configured, a publish will not succeed.
See Publish Transcoding Preset Configuration [ VE 20.2 OG] how to set up.
Enterprise Version:
Optional parameter allowing to hand over a shape tag as parameter into a VidiFlow workflow. The worklfow can overwrite the parameter based on the chosen workflow design.
If not configured, the dropdown will be hidden from the publish dialog.
Target Storage
A configurable list of target storages defining the possible storage where the new media file will be stored on.
VidiNet Version:
Mandatory parameter for a publish as this setting defines the output location on the transcoding job.
If not configured, the publish action will not succeed.
Enterprise Version:
Optional parameter allowing to hand over a storage ID as parameter into a VidiFlow workflow. The worklfow can overwrite the parameter based on the chosen workflow design.
If not configured, the dropdown will be hidden from the publish dialog.
A selection of metadata fields from the VidiCore metadata model offers users the opportunity to fill out to add metadata values to the new VidiCore item. This allows users to search an organize media. Depending on the configured metadata, users will see a input mask offering user friendly controls, validation, and default values. The image below offers an example:

VidiNet Version:
Optional. See Publish Metadata Dialogue Configuration [ VE 20.2 OG] for configuration possibilities.
Enterprise Version:
Optional. See Publish Dialogue Configuration (Enterprise) [ VE 20.2 OG] for configuration possibilities.
This option is only possible for the Enterprise version of VidiEditor. It also requires that VidiEditor be connected to VidiFlow. If both is the case, a list of workflows can be configured and presented to the user as dropdown. On select and publish, a VidiFlow workflow will be triggered to manage the following steps. This workflow requires meaningful input, such as a conform step or proxy video generation for example. It's up to system engineers to design such a worklfow in a needed manner based on the VidiFlow possibilities. This option is not usable for the VidiNet version of VidiEditor.
Default values
The publish dialog has intelligent inheritance logic built-in. This means that when a user opens the publish dialog, the different fields might be set already accordingly to the default logic. It behaves as follows:
VidiNet Version:
Metadata fields already used on the project will be inherited by the published media so the new media inherits the values from the project. The user can change the parameters if wanted.
Presets: The first configured value will be used as default
Storage: The first configured value will be used as default
Enterprise Version:
Metadata fields already used on the project will be inherited by the publish media so the new media inherits the values from the project. If no value for the metadata is set on the project, the default value from the ConfigurationPortal is used. The user can change the parameters if wanted.
Presets: The first configured value will be used as default
Storage: The first configured value will be used as default
Workflow: The first configured value will be used as default