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Projects Module and Actions [EM 21.1 UG]

The following section offers EditMate users an overview and dedicated explanation for each option.
Via the Projects module, users are able to view the "Open Projects" list. This list contains all of the projects which are currently opened in Adobe Premiere. Apart from being displayed in alphabetical order, any project in focus also displays relevant metadata in the "Details" section.

Please be aware that several of these actions may require users to specify preconfigured options. These options, such as categories or presets, are all configured by an administrator.
Having selected the "Projects" module on the main navigation bar, the EditMate panel will automatically react and display the module's area accordingly. The Projects module grants users an overview of existing projects, those currently active as well as the possibility to create new projects. As shown in the image above, the Project module contains different sections offering different functional options.

  • Open Projects: Indicating all of the projects currently opened in Adobe Premiere.
  • Selected Project: An overview of the current project as well as the "Publish", "Ingest", "Save" and "Close" options.
  • New Project: Located within Open Projects, this option allows users to create new projects via EditMate. These projects are considered managed.
  • Ingest Media: Ingest local media into EditMate's media repository.
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