MP MediaPortal SendTo Workflow Input Parameters Mapping [ENT 20.2 OG]
Workflows which are used as SendTo workflows in MediaPortal can have workflow input parameters of different types. To be usable as SendTo workflows, they must provide at least one input parameter which is named either
- "WorkflowObjects" of type Json
Alternatively, one of the following input parameters must be provided:
- ObjectId (String)
- Title (String)
- RenamedTitle (String)
- TimeCodeIn (TimeCode)
- Duration (TimeCode)
- IsPartialRange (Boolean)
- RelativeFramecountIn (TimeCode)
These parameters are considered as "standard input parameters" for SendTo workflows. They will be populated automatically with the corresponding standard values of the actual asset(s) in MediaPortal.
In order to support SendTo workflows so that these are started on MediaPortal collections, the workflow must always provide the "WorkflowObjects" Json Parameter. This parameter will then get a Json list of Json objects, one object for each asset in the collection. Each object containing the above mentioned single parameters (e.g. ObjectId) for each single asset. The actual workflow must then iterate through that list via Multi-Instance tasks to start the actual workflow one each single asset of that list.
Please refer to following chapters in the VidiFlow documentation (issued per major release) for more details
- Creating or Editing Workflows
- Multi Instance and Sub-Workflow
- MediaPortal Connector Workflow Input Parameters
- Step-by-Step: Multi Instance and Sub-Workflows: MediaPortal Collection
Workflows which only provide one or more of the single input parameters like e.g. ObjectId will be only executable on single assets in MediaPortal.
It is highly recommended to always use only multi-instance workflows with WorkflowObjects as input parameter, because these can be triggered on both collections and individual assets!
The usage of single instance workflows with single input parameters will be deprecated soon!
If a SendTo workflow provides additional input parameters, those parameters are considered to be "custom workflow parameters". The values for those parameters will have to be specified by the user, when the SendTo workflow is selected in MediaPortal.