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Introduction to the Operation Guide [ENT 20.2 OG]

This document covers enterprise topics in conjunction with VidiFlow and EditMate topics.

The following document is intended for those users who have been granted administrator rights and are tasked with the responsibility of maintaining healthy product operations, and to a possible extent, system-wide operations. Each section will cover a series of topics relevant to administrators in terms of capabilities and options. These include routine tasks, maintenance, and sensitive configuration aspects that an administrator may encounter.

Users familiar with other product documentation may come to recognize sections and topics referred to in other documents. The Operations Guide groups together sections that are critically relevant and expands on these if necessary.

If the administrator’s system includes multiple products, users should carefully read the product-specific sections for their context’s combination.

Due to the comprehensive nature of a system administrator and varying constellation of products present in customer’s system, administrators may require information contained in chapters pertaining to different products. This document groups together all product operational topics in order to avoid the unnecessary overhead of switching between documents when searching, and finding the information they require. Topics which are specific to a particular product are labelled as such.

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