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How do I ingest media? [EM 20.2 UG]

EditMate users working with projects may very well have access to additional media assets at a local level. Media assets which have not been previously imported from projects or individually from the media repository are considered unmanaged. Users wishing to include media of this nature into the repository have the chance to do so via EditMate's ingest function. Clicking on the "Ingest Media" button offers users a list of unmanaged media assets that are currently in use by the project.

Media assets can then be selected either individually or in batches to be uploaded into the media repository. It is also important to note that the Unmanaged Media section only displays media which is unmanaged and not all of project's media. Once the ingest is triggered, all of the selected objects maintain their title values. These are then expressed as the metadata for "title" once the ingest is complete and the objects are considered managed. Additionally, users are then given the opportunity to enter metadata via a metadata dialog window for the items intended for ingest. Which metadata fields are made available is subject to configuration.

Users are able to edit the metadata values for the unmanaged media either for a single item, or multiple items, depending on whether the batch edit option is toggled as active.

Premiere's Auto Ingest Bin
Users now have the option to add material in Premiere Pro's "Auto Ingest" bin. This will result in material being automatically ingested into EditMate.

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