How do I change my preferences? [EM 21.3 UG]

The Preferences module is where EditMate users are able to configure general settings that apply to the user only. The Preferences module can be opened from the Main Navigation Bar. Clicking on the "Cogs" icon will display the Preferences module.
Users are given the option to change their language settings as well as view and manage a list of preset files used during the publishing of sequences.
For more information on EPR management, please refer to the How Do I Manage My Export Presets? section.
Search Columns as User Preferences
Individual users now have the opportunity to store their column search settings as a user preference. They can:
Order of columns
Choose whether a column is displayed in the search grid
The size for each column in the search grid
If a user wishes to revert to the default settings, they can do so by clicking on the reset button at the bottom of the panel.

Automatically Closing Start Project
Users can also chose to have the start-up project closed as soon as a managed project is opened.