Global Configuration Language Dictionary [ENT 21.4 OG]
Select the desired Product Config Module. Within the Configuration Bar, choose the "GLOBAL CONFIGURATION" option. The Configuration Bar will expand, offering the "Language Dictionary" option.
The Language Dictionary Page is responsible for offering a system-wide approach to managing specific technical keys in their respective languages. Users are able to specify a technical key, such as a term for concept that is language agnostic, and enter the value the and manner in which it is expressed for the corresponding language. Specific terms may then be added to the Page and viewed by either their language group or the technical key. It is important to note that users can either enter a language and all its corresponding values for the an existing list of technical keys, or enter the values for a technical key individually. Both of these approaches are explained in the following sections.
- Entering a Language
- Entering Technical Key Language Values
It is important to understand the relationship between these metadata fields before attempting to make any entries. For this example, we assume that the technical key is "Sun".
GUID | (Language) Name | Locale Key | Technical Key | Value |
Randomly generated and fixed value. | British English | en-GB | sun | sun |
Randomly generated and fixed value. | American English | en-US | sun | sun |
Randomly generated and fixed value. | French | fr | sun | soleil |
Randomly generated and fixed value. | German | de | sun | Sonne |