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Getting MFT Editor NPM Package [VF 21.3 IG]

Metadata Editor web component npm package is located in the Azure DevOps npm feed. Here is what you need to do to install package from the feed.

  1. Add a “.npmrc” file to your project, in the same directory as your package.json. The content of that npmrc should look like below which point to the npm feed.

  2. Install VSTS auth helper npm package by Microsoft to help you authenticate to the feed. npm

    install -g vsts-npm-auth
  3. Run below command and point the “config” to the .npmrc file you just created. You will be prompted for authentication to the npm feed. (The auth token will be updated to your local user .npmrc file)

    vsts-npm-auth -config .npmrc
  4. Once authenticated, you can then proceed to install Mft package from the feed.

    npm install @dmm-platform/mft-send-to@0.1.0-Phase2.313

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