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EditMate Release Notes [EM 21.3 RN]

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Release Notes are divided into the following sections:



Release 21.3.1

Breaking Changes

ConfigPortal Requirement

EditMate Version 21.3 requires need ConfigPortal 21.3 minimum.



Project Template Dialog with Dropdown

The technical Project Template is now selectable in a dropdown menu. Which also allows for a default value to be set. The content template can be selected via a checkbox. How do I manage project templates? [EM 21.3 UG]

Thumbnail Hovering

Users can now hover over a thumbnail of a video shown in the search table, to have EditMate stream the video so as to provide impression on how the video’s content.

Export of Subtitle / Caption Information During Publish

If subtitles are included in an editing project these will also be included as part of the publishing process resulting in a segment list with the subtitles.

Genealogy Light

If a video has a rights restriction flag, and is used in a sequence, the published video will also have this flag carry over. For more information, please view .

Specify Workflows and Metadata per User Group

An admin user can configure the the availability of workflows and metadata via ConfigPortal. This can now be done at a user group level, effectively specifying which are available for each group already mapped in ConfigPortal. This affects the edit metadata dialog for videos, audio clips, and images. For more information, please view Functional Use Case Mapped Group [ENT 21.3 OG]


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