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Documenting Workflows in the Designer [ENT 21.3 OG]

Workflow Documentation

The Workflow Designer now allows one to enter a detailed documentation for any workflow (up to 1.000 characters).

Workflow documentation in Workflow Designer

The documentation of the latest version of the workflow is shown in the ConfigPortal workflow overview. You can also find it in the WF monitor details view for each workflow.

Commit messages for workflow changes

When saving a workflow, the Workflow Designer asks the user now for a commit message.

Workflow Designer requesting commit messages on saving a workflow

The idea behind this is to give one the opportunity to document the changes for each workflow version.

The workflow overview in ConfigPortal was changed to only show the latest version in the list now, but also to make a history dialog list available, showing all existing versions with the new commit messages, as well as the the options to edit, delete of identify the usage of each version.

Workflow history dialog in ConfigPortal

Document workflow input and output parameters

When defining a workflow, the user typically also defines workflow input and output parameters. It is now possible to add a description and one or more examples on the Workflow Parameters tab in the Workflow Designer.

Add parameter description and examples to workflow parameters

When users create a workflow input/output parameter from a task parameter, its description and examples are taken over automatically. User should check and adapt according to their requirements.

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