Connection [ENT 20.2 OG]
The Connection Page can be accessed via the ConfigPortal Settings Module, under the ConfigPortal Settings Page in the Configuration Bar. Please note that this ConfigPortal Page is only available to Arvato Systems engineers. It is to be assumed that all reference to users within this section is restricted solely to Arvato Systems engineers.
The Connection Page displays all of the Staging Environments available in each of the Product Config Modules. Users are able to add or delete Staging Environment types. Additionally, users are able to decide which Staging Environment is the designated Active Staging Environment. Designating an Active Staging Environment can be done so by simply selecting the intended Environment and clicking on the "Edit" button.
Checking the "Active Staging Environment" box and clicking on the "Save" button will designate the Environment as the Active Staging Environment. Users unfamiliar with the concept of Staging, its implications and benefits, should view the Staging section.